studio dispatch no. 2: throwing mugs, finding coins
Hello from what is still my cold and grey studio, though less cold as the insulating we did has made it possible for the shed to hold heat and make it a few degrees warmer than the outside. I rewarded myself for so much studio and clay recycling maintenance over the holidays with my favourite mindless throwing activity: mugs.
I tutor casual sessions at Clayspace on Thursdays and this week a ton of students were coincidentally all working on mugs and attaching handles. I felt a bit jealous of them all so wanted to do a small batch to get back into the swing of making things for the year. My rounded mugs in particular are my favourite and most automatic form to throw, so they’re great when I’ve not thrown for a bit and, because everyone loves mugs, they don’t tend to linger around as stock for very long, either.
Clay takes a lot longer to dry in the winter, so where in the summer and fall I’d be able to trim my pots, pull handles and attach them the next day, I’ll have to wait to mid week to finish these mugs off. Because I’ll be working on them during what looks like a busy week at my day job, I kept it to a cute little batch of six to make the lunch break handle sessions manageable. I have a lot of feelings about mug handles, at least with respect to how they work on my own mug forms, which I’ll share next week once all the clay is leather hard and ready to go.